I became interested in skincare beauty and formulations because of the experience I had with my skin back in the day.
While growing up I watched my skin being picky with most effective products in the market. In various communities in Nigeria, skin care beauty is associated with whitening or bleaching. And so, lots of women back then beautified their skin by using skin whitening products that glows their complexion within few months, and even if one is fair skinned, adding more whitening creams to enhance the skin is widely recommended. As a result, almost everyone I know use whitening products.
Like everyone else, I entertained such notion. Therefore, I set out on a journey to make my skin more whiter. But it didn’t work out for me the way it did for my friends. After few months of trying, I found out my skin only became darker after several usage. It gave me the very exact opposite result of what it does for my friends! I tried different ways and contacted different skin care vendors, it only ends up damaging my skin. I have a dry and soft skin, yet I wondered why I don’t get good results too. This several months of use turned to years of trying different methods without getting very good or lasting result or even sticking to a particular one. I reasoned that along the line, the trial and error method will eventually yield results. Unfortunately, it didn’t!
In all this, I realized within those years that these so called steroids skin whitening products, does not only darken my complexion but also thins my skin thereby exposing green veins.
That was when my curiosity in the beauty industry started. Why would my skin not whiten up like other people, even though I use whitening products. That question bothered me so much. That was when I started my research on healthy oils and products that will work for my prolonged irritated skin!
The research turned out to passion and interest. The excitement to proffer solution to other people who may likely be in the same situation like me grew. The desire to help others out there who wants to lighten their skin in a more healthy way, started!
Skin whitening is a trend that never goes away. Despite the fact that the unhealthy ways (which is rampant) of achieving that has an adverse effects, yet, lots of people don’t seem to care. Maybe it’s the lack of awareness, or misinformation or just outright nonchalance, but the truth is that the trend never goes down, nor will it anytime soon. What I had as firsthand experience some years ago still goes on as a norm till today.
I made researches and also did some in-person and online trainings on how to formulate good and healthy skincare products using healthy grain oils that helps glow and brighten the skin in a more healthier way without putting in the chemicals, and that gave birth to Ambre Botanicals healthy skincare products.
We all love skin beauty, my obligation is to help my community including you to achieve that goal in a more healthier way without complicating their life and health.
So rest assured because we got you covered with the best brightening product options that will blow your mind!